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Musik 21.4: Ensemble Megaphon
NDR Radiophilharmonie (2023)
23 Marzu 2023 (1 rappreżentazzjonijiet)
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Musik 21.4: Ensemble Megaphon by Bouchot, Seither, Neuwirth, Eggert, Tatjana Prelević, Ħam 23 Mar 2023, Minn (2023/2023), NDR Landesfunkhaus Niedersachsen, Hanover, Germany

Viewing Cast u Crew għal 23 Mar 2023
Agħżel XogħolGalgenlieder, Bouchot



Programm parzjalment disponibbli


Musik 21.4: Ensemble Megaphon
Galgenlieder, Bouchot


Vocal / Song cycleConcert
Vocal / Song cycleConcert
Vocal / Song cycleConcert
Chamber musicConcert
Musik 21 im NDR is a series of four concerts in the small broadcasting hall. Well-known ensembles for contemporary music deal with sounds of the present from different perspectives. Beyond the words, the music perhaps says the unspeakable, the flowing enchantment that doesn't avoid clichés and irony, it returns like memory, it doesn't leave us. It blends into the language and you can feel its constant presence in slow and fast undulations. Olga Neuwirth, composer Can songs turn people against something and lull them to sleep at the same time? With the program "Stir up!?" the ensemble Megaphon boldly oscillates between different times and themes. It moves between classical and contemporary works at the extremes between tonality and noise, sometimes tilting into the bizarre and surreal. At the concert in the small broadcasting hall of the NDR, the ensemble combines selected songs by Franz Schubert with chamber music works by Olga Neuwirth, Charlotte Seither, Tatjana Prelevic, Vincent Bouchot and Moritz Eggert. About the ensemble The Ensemble Megaphon was founded in 2007 by the Czech violinist Lenka Župková and the French dancer and choreographer Mikael Honesseau. It is a collective of international artists of different art forms and styles. The creative focus of the ensemble is both on the interfaces between contemporary music and media, music theater, conceptual improvisation and live electronics as well as in the juxtaposition of avant-garde with early music. The artists of the Ensemble Megaphon are specialists for spatial staging and site-specific performances as well as for concerts at non-places in unusual spaces. Focus and Commitment The musicians of the ensemble develop and realize new performance formats with passion and a love of experimentation. In them they combine video art, sound art, dance and acting. The projects are thematically political and socially oriented. An important concern of the Ensemble Megaphon is the cooperation with professional artists from Syria, Armenia, Iran and Turkey. Under the direction of music theater educators, the ensemble regularly implements educational projects and educational-artistic activities. More than 40 works have been written for the ensemble, which it has also premiered.
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