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“New Breath” Chamber Ensemble of the Philharmonic of RNM
“New Breath” Chamber Ensemble of the Philharmonic of RNM

“New Breath” Chamber Ensemble of the Philharmonic of RNM by Schoenberg, Arnold, Velkovska-Trajanovska, Webern, Alkaen (2023/2023), Musiikinjohto Pascal Gallois, Macedonian Philharmonic (Филхармонија на Македонија), Skopje, Macedonia

Esityksen ansiot (Näyttelijät & Tuotantotiimi )

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Valitse TyöVerklärte Nacht op. 4, Schoenberg, Arnold


Ohjelma, Tietoja & Synopsis

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“New Breath” Chamber Ensemble of the Philharmonic of RNM
Oratorio / OrchestralConcert
Oratorio / OrchestralConcert
Chamber musicConcert

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