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Proms at Aberystwyth
BBC Proms (2023)
30 jūlijs 2023 (1 izrādes)
Apmeklējiet vietni
1h 1mins
Informācija no mākslas organizācijas (pārbaudījusi Operabase)

Proms at Aberystwyth by Marenzio, Da Palestrina, Casulana, Gesualdo, Monteverdi, Gibbons, O., Byrd, Weelkes, Ligeti, Weir, Rimkus, No (2023/2023), Diriģents Owain Park, Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth, United Kingdom

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Izvēlieties DarbsPotrò viver io più se senza luce, Marenzio


Programma, Informācija un Apraksts

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Proms at Aberystwyth
Vocal / Song cycleRecital
Oratorio / OrchestralRecital
Vocal / Song cycleRecital
Nonsense Madrigals, Ligeti

Two Dreams and Little Bat; Cuckoo in the Pear Tree; The Alphabet; Flying Robert; The Lobster Quadrille; A Long, Sad Tale

Oratorio / OrchestralRecital
Vocal / Song cycleRecital
Vocal / Song cycleRecital
Vocal / Song cycleRecital
Vocal / Song cycleRecital


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