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Rainer hersch orkestra
Rainer hersch orkestra
Cadogan Hall (2021)
29 Mejju 2021 (2 rappreżentazzjonijiet)
Żur il-websajt
1h 20mins
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Rainer hersch orkestra by Various, Sib 29 Mej 2021, Minn (2021/2021), Surmast Direttur Rainer Hersch, Cadogan Hall, London, United Kingdom

Viewing Cast u Crew għal 29 Mej 2021






Rainer hersch orkestra
Oratorio / Orchestral
Well, what a rubbish year that turned out to be. Time for some fun! Delayed and delayed again because of you know what, AT LAST star comedian and conductor Rainer Hersch, Orkestra and guests take to the stage for the fifth edition of his New Year’s Eve Bash. It’s a concert, Jim, but not as you know it and 60 million views on YouTube can’t be wrong. Expect a fantastic blend of stand-up comedy, great music, hilarious new arrangements and audience interaction. This is total entertainment and absolutely the best way to restart your life, laughing. In light of the coronavirus outbreak and current restrictions, these performances have been rescheduled to Saturday 29 May 2021, at the new times of 5pm & 8pm. This will enable the concerts to go ahead safely. Existing tickets for the original Thursday 31 December 2020, 3pm & 7pm performances and Saturday 1 May 2021, 3pm & 7pm performances will remain valid for the rescheduled performances on Saturday 29 May 2021 at the new times of 5pm & 8pm respectively. If you are able to make the new date then you do not need to do anything. If you are unable to make the new date, please contact your original point of sale and a member of our team will assist you. We are doing our utmost to support the national effort in reducing the spread of coronavirus and the health and well-being of all our visitors, staff members and visiting performers is our number one priority. Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to welcoming you back, very soon.
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