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Rigoletto, Verdi

Rigoletto by Verdi, Ġim 19 Nov 2021, Minn (2021/2022), Immexxi minn Yuri Alexandrov, Tatyana Karpacheva, Natalya Chernikova, Surmast Direttur Maxim Valkov, Alexander Goikhman, Baron Fon Derviz Mansion (St Petersburg Chamber Opera), Saint Petersburg, Russia

Viewing Cast u Crew għal 19 Nov 2021






The production by Yuri Alexandrov boldly destroys the cliches that have developed over the centuries of theatrical life of one of the most popular operas by Verdi. The main theme in the theater performance is the motive of the mask, the ominous masquerade of life. Verdi considered the plot of "Rigoletto", borrowed from Hugo's drama "The King Amuses", the best of all, set to music. For the first time in the history of the genre, the hero of the opera was an old hunchback - a court jester, a hypocrite, embittered by the whole world. He ruthlessly takes revenge on everyone who does not have a hump on their back. The director offered the public a new version of the psychological drama, according to which the court jester is not a hunchback at all, but a sarcastic, intelligent, evil and not at all old man. The hump and the mask are just a buffoonery, which he wears only at the court of the duke. However, moral ugliness cannot be thrown off like a mask. An extraordinary person, forced to endure constant humiliation, he entertains himself with intrigues, willingly takes part in the dirty fun of his master and his entourage. Fate punishes Rigoletto for his cruelty, turning his own daughter Gilda into a murderer. Luxurious, exquisite costumes seem to immerse the viewer in the historical atmosphere. It seems that the characters of the play, dressed in expensive fabrics and whimsical masks, seem to have come off the canvases of old masters. The performance is very integral, with well-thought-out details, and simply beautiful. And the acting and excellent musical performance correspond to the intention of the composer himself - the creator of the genre of musical drama.
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