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Schubert's "Great" Symphony
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Schubert's "Great" Symphony
L'Auditori (2025)
24 - 25 Mejju 2025 (2 rappreżentazzjonijiet)
Żur il-websajt
2h 0mins
Informazzjoni minn organizzazzjoni tal-arti (Verifikat minn Operabase)

Schubert's "Great" Symphony by Berg, Schubert, Sib 24 Mej 2025, Minn (2025/2025), Surmast Direttur Salvador Mas i Conde, L'Auditori, Barcelona, Spain

Viewing Cast u Crew għal 24 Mej 2025
Agħżel XogħolViolin Concerto, ("To the memory of an angel") (Violinkonzert (Dem Andenken eines Engels)), Berg

