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Sesongåpning: Mahler 6
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Sesongåpning: Mahler 6
Trondheim Symfoniorkester & Opera (2024)
29 Awwissu 2024 (1 rappreżentazzjonijiet)
Żur il-websajt
1h 20mins
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Sesongåpning: Mahler 6 by Mahler, Ħam 29 Aww 2024, Minn (2024/2024), Surmast Direttur Han-Na Chang, Olavshallen, Trondheim, Norway

Viewing Cast u Crew għal 29 Aww 2024


  • Violin I



Mahler's music has been described as full of emotion and human vulnerability, and Symphony No. 6 is no exception: Here we race away from absolute ecstasy to the deepest despair. And when the concert is over, we've had chills and goosebumps, been moved to tears by the most heartbreakingly beautiful third movement and listened intently to the fateful stroke of the Mahler hammer in the finale. In his last season as chief conductor of the TSO, Han-Na Chang still wears his passion for Mahler's and Beethoven's symphonies on his shirt. And as extra drops in her symphony goody bag, we also get all four of Brahms! What a closing season we are facing! Han-Na Chang Han-Na Chang has been chief conductor and artistic director of the Trondheim Symphony Orchestra & Opera (TSO) since 2017, and before that 1st guest conductor from 2013. She has so far taken the orchestra on a musical journey towards new heights, and they received standing ovations when in 2019 they toured in Chang's native South Korea. Chang has long been noted internationally for his passion, sharp intellect, technical precision and deep insight into the execution of his artistic work. In 2022, Chang became 1st guest conductor at the Symphoniker Hamburg – Laeiszhalle Orchester. Han-Na Chang's prestigious and unique international career spans three decades. 2024 marks the 30th anniversary of her extraordinary debut on the international stage, when, aged 11, she won first prize at the Fifth International Rostropovich Cello Competition in Paris. Han-Na Chang was born in Suwon, South Korea in December 1982. At the age of 6, she had her first cello lesson. Her family moved to New York in 1993 where she continued her musical studies, and she has lived there ever since. Chang made his conducting debut in 2007, aged 24, and since then has focused exclusively on conducting.
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