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ΕΛΣ Τριστάνος & Ιζόλδη - R. Wagner - Tristan und Isolde / Greek National Opera 2014-15
Tristan und Isolde (Tristan and Isolde), Wagner, Richard

Tristan and Isolde by Wagner, Richard, Erb 04 Fra 2015, Minn (2015/2015), Immexxi minn Yannis Kokkos,, Surmast Direttur Myron Michailidis, Megaron Athens Concert Hall, Athens, Greece

Krediti ta' prestazzjoni (Il-Kast & l-Ekwipaġġ )

Ara kollox
Viewing Cast u Crew għal 04 Fra 2015



Programm, Dwar & Sinossi

Ara kollox


Ara kollox

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