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W blasku Haydna

W blasku Haydna by Various, ne 05 zář 2021, Od (2021/2021), Dirigent Giovanni Antonini, NFM (Narodowe Forum Muzyki), Wrocław, Poland



W blasku Haydna
Oratorio / Orchestral
The program of the concert included two works by Ludwig van Beethoven, who made crossing borders the motto of his work. Appreciated for his interpretations of his music, Giovanni Antonini will conduct performances of two lesser-known and less obvious compositions by this German author. Creations of Prometheusis Beethoven's only ballet. It was created to a libretto prepared by the Italian choreographer, dancer and composer Salvatore Viganò. Initially, this artist was also supposed to write music, but he decided that the topic was beyond him and suggested that Beethoven take on this task. The story, in line with the ideals of the Enlightenment, appealed to the German artist very much and he eagerly set to work. The allegorical story of the titan Prometheus is enriched here with the thread of ennoblement of humanity. The title character takes people to Parnassus and familiarizes them with the achievements of Apollo and the muses. Thanks to this, they become better and gain full humanity. The ballet was premiered by Vigan's company in March 1801 and was a great success. In 1808, this work was performed for the first time in the United States, where it was also very successful. The program of this concert included the opening oneOverture. Mass in C major op. 86 was commissioned by Prince Nicholas II Esterházy, a former employer of another great composer, Joseph Haydn. The aristocrat was apparently very attached to the artist's style, and therefore the performance of Beethoven's progressive mass in terms of musical language at his estate in Eisenstadt was not a success. The composer was incensed by the duke's open disapproval, who went so far as to describe the mass in his correspondence as an "intolerably stupid and disgusting" piece. Of course, over time, the reception of the Mass in C majorhas changed. Although it is one of Beethoven's less frequently performed works for a powerful cast, it is considered by scholars and performers to be one of his greatest masterpieces. This monumental composition is characterized by a great power of expression, which makes it attractive to the audience.
Informace o produktu jsou k dispozici v: English, polski
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