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Yevgeny Onegin (Eugene Onegin), Tchaikovsky, P. I.
National Theatre Belgrade (2020)
10 Novembru 2020 (1 rappreżentazzjonijiet)
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Eugene Onegin by Tchaikovsky, P. I., Tli 10 Nov 2020, Minn (2020/2020), Immexxi minn Lidija Pilipenko,, Surmast Direttur Đorđe Pavlović, National Theatre, Belgrade, Serbia

Viewing Cast u Crew għal 10 Nov 2020



An artist, prima ballerina and choreographer, spent most of her professional life at the Ballet Company of the National Theatre in Belgrade. After her specialization in London with Ninette de Valois and a brilliant career in the profession, she ventured into choreography. Already having an outstanding career as a prima ballerina of the National Theatre Ballet, she proved herself to be one of the top choreographers in the country. She created the following ballets to the music of Yugoslav composers: Banović Strahinja and Jelisaveta by Zoran Erić for the Belgrade Theatre, The Eternal Bachelor, and The Choosy Girl by Zoran Mulić for the Theatre in Novi Sad. In 1981, at the Biennale in Ljubljana she received the Award for Choreography for Banović Strahinja. She also received the Award for Choreography for two full-length ballets, Jelisaveta and The Eternal Bachelor. Then the production of Samson and Delilah by Camille Saint-Saens, followed. The production opened the ballet season of the National Theatre, after the building reconstruction in 1989. This production brought her the National Theatre Award. She also staged two world premiers: Resurrection to the music of Gustav Mahler’s Second Symphony; The Lady of the Camellias to the music of Giuseppe Verdi. In 1994, for the National Theatre Ballet she staged El Amor Brujo by Manuel de Falla and Scheherazade by Nikolai Rimski-Korsakov. Soon after, in 1998, she produced A Woman to the music of Sergey Rachmaninov. She has made choreographies for TV, films, and musicals with same success: The Story of a Horse, My Boyfriend, Gypsies Fly to the Sky, I love My Wife, The Wind Will Cease, etc... She choreographed the following operas: Carmen, Aida, The Bat, etc. In 1999, she staged two one-act ballets for the End of Twentieth Century…? program of the National Theatre in Belgrade: The Images to the music of A. Schoenberg and The Cage to the music of G. Mahler (revived in 2007). In 2000, she produced The Legend of Ohrid by Stevan Hristić. In 2004, her production of Tchaikovsky the Poet to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky, was rewarded the best production of the season 2003/2004 in the National Theatre in Belgrade. With the same Company, she staged another world premiere - The Impure Blood ballet, after her own libretto inspired by Borislav Stanković’s piece and her own compilation of national authors’ music (Stevan S. Mokranjac, Petar Konjović, Vasilije Mokranjac and Stevan Hristić. She received the Award for Life Achievement, in 2001; followed by the Dimitrije Parlić Award, in 2004; and the National Award for Contribution to the Culture, in 2007. She held the position of the Head of the National Theatre Ballet Company in periods 1992—1993 and 1997—2000.
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