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Blues Brothers, Manfred Weiß
D: Manfred Weiss
C: Max Renne

Video di produzione passata

Into the Woods (Nel bosco), Stephen Sondheim
D: Manfred Weiss
C: Max Renne
Pippin, Stephen Schwartz
D: Simon Eichenberger
C: Peter Christian Feigel
My Fair Lady (Mia Bella Signora), Frederick Loewe
D: Sebastian Ritschel
C: Christian Garbosnik
Into the Woods (Nel bosco), Stephen Sondheim
D: Manfred Weiss
C: Max Renne
Blues Brothers, Manfred Weiß
D: Manfred Weiss
C: Max Renne
Die Dreigroschenoper (L'opera da tre soldi), Kurt Weill
D: Sebastian Ritschel
C: Christian Garbosnik
Follies (Musical "Follies"), Stephen Sondheim
D: Martin G. Berger
C: Peter Christian Feigel
My Fair Lady (Mia Bella Signora), Frederick Loewe
D: Sebastian Ritschel
C: Robin PortuneChristian Garbosnik