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Götterdämmerung - Trailer
Götterdämmerung (The Twilight of the Gods), Wagner

The Twilight of the Gods by Wagner, Od (2021/2021), Režírované Markus Dietz, Dirigent Francesco Angelico, Mario Hartmuth, Opernhaus, Kassel, Germany

The most powerful parable for the self-destructive forces of capitalism comes from the revolutionary year 1848: With the fall of the gods, not only does Valhalla Castle go up in flames, but also the myth of unlimited accumulation - only to start the eternal game of power and possessions again to let. Shortly before the first lockdown of the corona pandemic, the Kassel Götterdämmerung in March 2021 at the last possible moment and completed the new Kasseler Ring by GMD Francesco Angelico and director Markus Dietz. In pandemic times, it initially became impossible due to the sheer dimensions of the work and is therefore all the more eagerly awaited. The Staatstheater Kassel is now bringing the fourth part of the tetralogy back into its repertoire even more, before the Kasseler Ring comes to the opera stage in two independent cycles in 2023. And as befits the brilliant conclusion of the most legendary opera cycle in music history, it is about nothing less than the whole world: in this sense, Götterdämmerung become a dictum for the apocalyptic downfall of worlds and their systems of order. Siegfried, the radiant hero, succumbs to Götterdämmerung the curse of the ring That there is more to the shameful intrigue surrounding Siegfried and Brünhilde with the help of the magic hat and the terrible spiral of violence that followed than an individual drama, but rather that Richard Wagner uses his psychological network of leitmotifs as a large parable of the economic order of the industrial alienated society, has incited interpretations of this work to major political readings. Markus Dietz concentrates the Wagnerian perspective and expands it through participatory moments: Because the seductive power of the ring affects every individual! Götterdämmerung is a PLUS production.
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