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2. Philharmonisches Konzert
Staatstheater Cottbus (2024)
25 - 27 oktober 2024 (2 predstav)
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2. Philharmonisches Konzert by Chapí, Rodrigo, J., Debussy, Falla, Od (2024/2024), Dirigent José María Moreno, Staatstheater Cottbus, Cottbus, Germany



2. Philharmonisches Konzert
Oratorio / OrchestralConcert
Spanish art music is inspired by folk music like in almost no other European country. This is most evident in the Zarzuela, the typically Spanish form of musical theatre in which both singing and speaking take place and original compositions alternate with hits and folk songs. The grand master of this genre was Ruperto Chapí, whose prelude to "La Revoltosa" (The Troublemaker) immerses one in this special atmosphere. An absolute export hit that captures Spanish flair in an exemplary manner is the “Concierto de Aranjuez” by Joaquín Rodrigo. The gardens of the Palace of Aranjuez, south of Madrid, provided Rodrigo with the perfect inspiration for the most Spanish of all solo instruments, the guitar. Manuel de Falla's ballet "El sombrero de tres picos" (The Three-cornered Hat) was the first to feature genuine Spanish dance elements. Otherwise, a performance with the Andalusian folklore that de Falla incorporated would hardly be possible. There was particular enthusiasm for Spain in the neighboring country of France around 1900. Claude Debussy presented an extraordinarily dazzling and colorful exploration of Spanish life with “Ibéria,” which depicts Spanish life in a nuanced, impressionistic sound. Viva Spain! Ruperto Chapí exudes Spanish flair with the prelude to the zarzuela LA REVOLTOSA. Joaquín Rodrigo's CONCIERTO DE ARANJUEZ is an absolute export hit. The gardens of the palace of Aranjuez provided Rodrigo with the perfect inspiration for his guitar concerto. In Manuel de Falla's ballet EL SOMBRERO DE TRES PICOS (The Tricorn), authentic Spanish dance elements featured for the first time. Claude Debussy presented an extraordinarily colorful picture of Spain with the impressionistic IBÉRIA.
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