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Christmas Eve (The Night before Christmas), Rimsky-Korsakov

The Night before Christmas by Rimsky-Korsakov, pe 09 maalis 2018, Alkaen (2017/2018), Ohjannut Olga Malikova, Musiikinjohto Waleriy Trubin-Leonoff, Valery Gergiev, Primorsky Stage of the Mariinsky Theatre, Vladivostok, Russia

The plot of Gogol’s Christmas Eve enjoyed incredible popularity: the famous poet Polonsky used this short story to write a libretto and the Director of Russian Imperial Theatres organized a contest, commissioning to write an opera based on this script. Rimsky-Korsakov did not take part in that contest, however, historically, it was he who won it: the Korsakov’s Christmas Eve has become the longest-living and most popular repertoire work on the theme. However, the composer did not use Polonsky’s text as he decided to stick to the original Gogol’s version and achieved wonderful results working on the literary material himself. He adapted and presented Gogol’s novel in an extremely delicate way, while using such sparkling humour and such a beautiful and subtle irony, such vivid character types that sometimes one can’t help dissolving into tears of laughter. As the new opera had been meant to complete the cycle of ceremonial operas, Rimsky-Korsakov further enriched the novel’s principal storylines with new scenes and characters. It is possible that his previous operas The Snow Maiden, May Night and Mlada had anticipated the appearance of new characters from semi-pagan folk beliefs which remained in Christian Christmas Eve festivities: the Devil (Chert), a Witch (Solokha) and a Sorcerer (Patsyuk), Kolyada and Ovsen. Priceless lyrical operatic scores and arias of the principle characters are accompanied by equally beautiful mass ceremonial scenes, which give the opera its peculiar flavour, charm and uniqueness. Rimsky-Korsakov conveyed through music everything that Gogol had expressed by literary means. That is why opera Christmas Eve is, in the highest and best sense of this word, theatrical: mischievous and eventful, it is real in spite of all its relativity and grotesque. The forces of evil are also presented in a very merry and “gothicism-free” way: Solokha the Witch happens to have a wonderful son who conquers the Devil by force of the Life-Giving Cross. The performance, which was initially created for the Concert Hall and then brought over to the Historic Stage of the Mariinsky Theatre, is regarded as a definite hit premiere. Its staging, sets and lighting are sound, colourful and impress with their spectacularity. The production also has taken advantage of absolutely all theatrical opportunities: a snowstorm, stars playing blindman’s buff, a fantastic flight create a sense of presence, engaging the audience in the events happening onstage. All artists involved in the performance sing, act and dance with great pleasure, energizing the audience by their “drive”. This is a production for all the family — one of those that inspire a real love for opera.
Tietoja on saatavilla osoitteessa: English
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