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Regisseur Justo Moret und Ausstatterin Anna Hörling zu „Der kleine schwarze Fisch“ – Oper Dortmund
Der Kleine Schwarze Fisch, TidrowSeyedi
Theater Dortmund (2023)
09 - 11 giugno 2023 (2 rappresentazioni)
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1h 10mins
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Der Kleine Schwarze Fisch by Tidrow, dom 11 giu 2023, Da (2023/2023), Diretto da Justo Moret, Direttore d'orchestra Ruth Katharina Peeck, Opernhaus Dortmund, Dortmund, Germania

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A life in freedom, the overthrow of the monarchy and the end of the Persian shah - these were the goals of the Islamic revolution at the end of the 20th century. In the course of this movement, the progressive groups pursued a new form of government, free from a dominant clergy and autocracy. They took action against the regime – violently and underground – and in 1979 they forced the proclamation of the Islamic Republic. The Little Black Fish , a fairy tale by the Iranian writer Samad Behranghi, was written at the time of the uprising and initially remained unpublished as an alleged attack on the Shah's regime. The little black fish is looking for the knowledge: Does the river have an end and if so, what is there? What creatures are there in the different bodies of water? But there are a few obstacles in the way of his desire for knowledge right from the start: the mother who, out of great concern, does not want to let her son go, or the neighboring fish, who systematically exclude the critical free spirit. Despite all the discouragements, the little black fish ventures into the unknown with curiosity and hope - and encounters an ever-present dislike of the stranger. Behranghi's story brings up the mechanisms of hostility and devaluation of the other and warns of the danger of isolation. Through the collaboration of composer Elnaz Seyedi and composer-in-residence Thierry Tidrow, this philosophical tale has been transformed into a modern music-theatrical work created especially for the members of We DO Opera! is written. Under the musical direction of Ruth Katharina Peeck and directed by Justo Moret, they will premiere it in two stages in 2022 and 2023.
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