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Le nozze di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro), Mozart




Count Almaviva abolished the "right of the first night", which previously guaranteed him claims to all the women in his castle. However, he now regrets this decision again, because his servant Figaro wants to marry the maid Susanna, whom Almaviva also has his eye on. He will do everything in his power to postpone the wedding, but Figaro and Susanna are already on the alert and organize a comedy of mistaken identity to expose the Count's intentions. A lot of turbulence is programmed there, and a "great day" takes its crazy course... On the eve of the French Revolution it was quite daring for the Mozart/Da Ponte duo to stage such a piece! Because they put their finger on the societal wounds of the time and created a work that itself already had revolutionary explosive force: the clash between nobility and bourgeoisie, between rulers and servants, between above and below was the topic of the hour at the time. Really only then? As always, Mozart is also about the elementary! Can the freedom of love and eros be steered in an orderly manner through the institution of marriage? Luckily, the music dares to say what the people on stage are denied. Beyond the insane turbulence, she lets the great wounds and injuries become palpable, as well as the longings - and the fear that these longings will not be satisfied. After numerous masquerades, intrigues and counter-intrigues, window jumps, fake journeys and several weddings, everything comes to an end in the nocturnal garden. Can light finally be brought into the darkness here? One of the most accomplished musical comedies, where every situation turns instantly and one surprise follows the next!
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