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Missa solemnis in D major, op. 123, Beethoven

Missa solemnis in D major, op. 123 by Beethoven, fr. 21 okt. 2022, Fra (2022/2022), Dirigent Johannes Knecht, Kultur- und Kongresszentrum - Liederhalle, Stuttgart, Germany



Oratorio / OrchestralConcert
"Beethoven's Missa solemnis represents the most radical and interesting interpretation of the Latin text to date," says Johannes Knecht, artistic director of the Philharmonia Choir Stuttgart. Ludwig van Beethoven aims at the inside of the human being. "From the heart - may it go to the heart again" wrote the composer about his Missa solemnis. He wants to arouse emotions, “both in the singers and in the listeners”. Far removed from church music traditions, Beethoven treats the old church texts from the 13th century like a libretto and explores them word for word according to their importance for his understanding of God. "For me as a musician influenced by music theater, this often enigmatic and far too seldom performed masterpiece is a constant inspiration," says Knecht. "Unfortunately, this monumental mass could hardly be performed during the Corona period. That is why it is particularly important to me and the Philharmonia Choir to play this extraordinary work again and to make it tangible for every music lover.” The Philharmonia Choir originally planned the Missa solemnis for Beethoven Year 2020. The singers of the choir are supported by chamber singer Simone Schneider, soprano, who, like David Steffens, bass, is part of the ensemble of the Stuttgart State Opera. The characterful alto Taxiarchoula Kanati is also well known in Stuttgart. The young Piotr Gryniewicki completes the quartet. The student at the HMDK Stuttgart makes his debut in the tenor role. The orchestra part will be taken on by the Württemberg Philharmonic Reutlingen, with whom Johannes Knecht and the Philharmonia Choir Stuttgart have worked together for many years. The Philharmonia Chor Stuttgart combines diversity, enthusiasm and high musical quality. The artistic director of the choir is Johannes Knecht, longtime choir director at the Stuttgart State Opera and professor for choir conducting at the music academies in Stuttgart and Lübeck. The renowned ensemble of trained voices is supported by the state capital Stuttgart and the state of Baden-Württemberg and is a member of the Association of German Concert Choirs VDKC.
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