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Die Zauberflöte, Mozart
D: Kobie van Rensburg
C: Diego Martin-Etxebarria
Obsadenie: Matthias Wippich, David Esteban, Woongyi Lee, Rafael Bruck, Alexander Kalina, Markus Heinrich, Gereon Grundmann, James Park, Kairschan Scholdybajew, Frank Rammelmüller, Judith Spiesser, Sophie Witte, Penny Sofroniadou, Debra Hays, Valerie Eickhoff, Susanne Seefing, Eva Maria Günschmann, Johanna Werhahn, Gabriela Kuhn
"Die Zauberflöte“ – Hollywood lässt grüssen!

Diego Martin-Etxebarria's musical direction renounced to traditional consecration and grandeur and celebrated a highly modern Mozart with elegance and fluent liveliness. The Niederrheinische Sinfoniker played with stylistic confidence - I would even say with outstanding virtuosity. We haven't heard such a convincing Mozart in a long time - to do so one has to drive far.

čítaj viac
25 september 2019opernmagazin.dePeter Bilsing

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