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Die Zauberflöte, Mozart
D: Suzanne AndradeBarrie Kosky
C: Hendrik VestmannJordan de Souza
Where opera ends, theatre begins: Mozart's Magic Flute made new in surreal Perth performance

The performers, led by Polish soprano Iwona Sobotka playing Pamina and supported by the WA Opera and WA Symphony Orchestra, were not deterred by the extravagant production, but revelled in it.

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22 februar 2019www.smh.com.auNathan Hondros
Barrie Kosky’s The Magic Flute is a contemporary spectacle, despite the opera’s outdated attitudes

Pamina, sung beautifully by Soprano Iwona Sobotka on opening night. She played the heroine-in-need-of-rescue to perfection, but despite the sexism spouted by some characters, Pamina showed courage, determination and integrity. That said, she does fall into despair when she believes she is no longer loved by Tamino, and Sobotka sings Pamina’s aria with great feeling as she contemplates suicide.

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22 februar 2019theconversation.comVivienne Glance
A Quiet Place, Bernstein
D: Daniel Fish
C: Corrado Rovaris
Bernstein’s “A Quiet Place” earns loud applause in Curtis Opera Theatre performance

“Dennis Chmelensky brought a potent, edgy baritone to the emotionally unstable role of Junior, provoking and romancing the other characters in equal measure.”

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A Quiet Place

“Junior remains the piece’s most complicated character...Despite these alarmingly reductive traits, baritone Dennis Chmelensky works hard to give the character an inner life. He also sings with beautiful diction.”

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La sonnambula, Bellini
D: Mauro Avogadro
C: Renato Balsadonna
Torino, La sonnambula, 11/04/2019

A Pietro Adaini, Elvino, va riconosciuta la luminosità dello squillo nel registro acuto – con tanto di re in «Ah! Perché non posso odiarti» –, a cui talvolta approda però con troppo impeto, inficiando la continuità della linea di canto, già velata da suoni leggermente nasali nella tessitura centrale. Lo spirito bonario, quasi sempliciotto, del ricco possidente, tuttavia, trova nell’ardimentosa espressività un ottimo canale di sfogo e il personaggio, in fin dei conti, è convincente.

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18 april 2019www.apemusicale.itAntonino Trotta

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