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...truly said, Attila Mokus has the bite and the cutting attack required in the role of Nabucco, but at the same time also a warm legato and high phrasing culture...the Serbian-born baritone mediated such intercourse of emotions, expressing megalomania such as in Nabucco's contrition - he sang his repentant invocation of Jehovah ("Dio di Giuda") lying on his back with a beautiful attitude. Being a truly called Verdi-singer - of whom we will undoubtedly hear in the future, his young age did not made him a difficulty in the creation of this fatherly role.

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11 Februarie 2018Klassik Heute

...Attila Mokus gives to Father Germont a lot of faces and shapes the role colorful and deep, profound...

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29 August 2018Luzerner ZeitunG