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D: Sophie Daneman
C: Paul Agnew
Repartiment: Hugh Cutting, Alberto Miguelez Rouco, Jacob Lawrence, Helen Charlston, Matthieu Walendzik, Ana Vieira Leite
Mr. William's good grades

This opera, often ferociously funny, by Handel, skilfully staged by Sophie Daneman, thus made it possible to hear, in the title role, the Portuguese soprano Ana Vieira Leite. Aristocratic port, rich soprano timbre, skin-deep musicality and dramatic intelligence: an artist to discover. Also to follow are the two countertenors Hugh Cutting and Alberto Miguélez Rouco, who camped with as much passion as delicacy Arsace and Armindo, two of the suitors of the Queen of Naples. Both by its vocal style and by its scenic ease, the vocal sextet, supported by Les Arts Florissants and a William Christie of the great evenings, impresses.

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25 Agost 2021www.lesechos.frLes Echos

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