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D: Roman Štolpa
C: Alena JelínkováFrantišek Štěrbák
Obsadenie: Dita Horínková, Tereza Bartošová, Tereza Kavecká, Lenka Jakubcová, Zdenka Kotková, Katerina Ostapenko, Dominika Jandová, Karolina Valalíková, Roman Cimbál, Peter Paleček, Ondrej Pupik, Vítězslav Maliňák, Liana Vinklárková, Vojtěch Koubek, Roman Harok, Michal Stalmach, Lukáš Randák, Zdeněk Jorda, Daniel Volný, Evžen Trupar, Dalibor Hrda, Zdenek Kapl, Martin Táborský, Juraj Nociar, Peter Svetlík, Šárka Maršálová, Katarína Jorda-Kramolišová, Lenka Liberdová, Zdenka Mervová, Renata Harasimová, Jitka Havrlantová, Adéla Čížková, Stanislav Beneš, Alexander Vovk, Andrej Ku'lbaga, Radmila Gregorová, Andrea Plachká, Jana Jaržembovská, Petra Španělová, Anna Sokolová, Jaroslav Velička, Daniel Waris, Anna Ondáková

The musical took place under the direction of Roman Štolpa and a musical production by Alena Jelínková. In addition to Tereza Kavecká, Roman Harok, Lukáš Randák, Dalibor Hrda, Zdeněk Kapl, Peter Svetlík and others also played the lead roles. He performed with the choir, ballet and orchestra of the Silesian Theater Opava under the baton of Alena Jelínková. The theme of the American musical was the true story of actress Fanny Brice, who worked in theaters in New York before and after World War I. The captivating story about the life and great love of the artist and her husband is full of unforgettable musical and dance melodies. In addition, she is inspired by the true story of an actress, dancer and singer who, thanks to her phenomenal talent and sense of humor, managed to turn from an ugly duckling into a shining and popular star of theatrical productions, despite her initial failure. Musical,

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09 november 2020www.divadlo-opava.czRegion

Opava- The musical, which is another variation on Pygmalion, managed to reach the Opava scene with several premiere attempts. It is the story of a simple girl at first, obsessed with theater and eager to establish herself, who, with the strength of will and courage to experiment, developed from scratch into an artistically famous wonder from the beginning of the last century. The nearly three-and-a-half-hour story of whether it was possible to combine artistic advancement with privacy called for cuts. With one break, it is really a bit tiring for the spectators, moreover it is not very moving and thus a bit static. Shortening the story by at least half an hour would certainly benefit him a lot. However, the performers are not to blame. It tries to prepare the audience for a pleasant stay in the auditorium. Soprano Tereza Kavecká in the title character Fanny practically did not come off the stage and her performance deserves an award. The protagonist, The heroine's great motivation was also the love for the gambler Nick, who was portrayed by the guest Ostrava soloist Roman Harok at the premiere. He introduced the audience to a salon-type man, resisting commitments, who finally succumbed to Fanny's intense emotion and married her. However, he began to suffocate him and after a bad investment, in which he lost all his and Fanna's money, he started to cheat. He ended up in prison, where he realized that their next journey together was no longer possible and chose divorce. Soprano Katarína Jorda once again confirmed her acting skills as Fanna's mother. She credibly leads her from a hopeful mother, through a mother proud of her daughter's success, to a woman frustrated by her child's emotional collapse. Another important man on Fanna's artistic career was the choreographer Eddie, also performed by the guest Lukáš Randák, who admires and protects his charges from show business magnates and from herself. Lenka Liberdová brings a cute element to the story as the friend of Fanna's mother, Mrs. Strakoschová, obsessed with the girls' marriages. In a similar vein, a plethora of other performers also appeared at the premiere. The musical Funny Girl will not be lost by the audience, but they will hardly want to see him again.

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09 november 2021www.divadlo-opava.czJitka Hrušková, Deník

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