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Alexander Gavrylyuk Performs Tchaikovsky: Passions of The Soul
Sydney Symphony Orchestra (2023)
01 - 04 november 2023 (4 predstavení)
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Informácie od umeleckej organizácie (Overené Operabase)

Alexander Gavrylyuk Performs Tchaikovsky: Passions of The Soul by Dutilleux, Debussy, Tchaikovsky, P. I., št 02 nov 2023, Od (2023/2023), Dirigent Donald Runnicles, Sydney Opera House, Sydney City, Australia

Prezeranie hercov a štábu pre 02 nov 2023
Vyberte položku PrácaMétaboles, Dutilleux




Alexander Gavrylyuk Performs Tchaikovsky: Passions of The Soul
Oratorio / OrchestralConcert