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Spotlight Don Giovanni

Spotlight Don Giovanni by Mozart, Joi 04 Nov. 2021, De la (2021/2022), Dirijor Johannes Willig, Yura Yang, Staatstheater, Karlsruhe, Germany

Vizualizarea distribuției și echipajului pentru 04 Nov. 2021






Spotlight Don Giovanni
The grandiose and gloomy overture already reveals: This Don Giovanni is upset! And as soon as it has faded away, there is already the first death. Don Giovanni, a womanizer by profession, is up to mischief and seduces women according to all the rules and rule violations of art. When it comes to the female sex, seduction justifies all means, even murder. Don Giovanni's successes speak for themselves: His latest achievement, Zerlina, is even considering ditching her newlywed husband. All women seem to be at Don Giovanni's feet! All? No! A woman resists: Donna Anna vows to avenge her hurt pride - and her father, whom Don Giovanni has on his conscience. She is not alone with her anger, and so the womanizer is suddenly confronted with the consequences of his actions. The finale is as amazing and action-packed as the beginning: a journey into hell! And yet Mozart sympathizes with this Don Giovanni. Of the From champagne to aria Là ci darem la mano your (give me hand, my life), music is a plea for the art of seduction! As we know the opera so far, it cannot be performed at the moment. New times require new forms, and so 1. Kapellmeister Johannes Willig, dramaturge Deborah Maier and senior stage director Anja Kühnhold conceived the semi-staged format SPOTLIGHT, which draws the eye and ear to certain key topics. With the orchestra on stage, with selected musical pieces and targeted interaction, Don Giovanni is told from the perspective of the various female characters. On this evening, musically directed and moderated by Johannes Willig, the audience has the opportunity to get to know the stylistic means that Mozart uses to shape the characters and scenes. Because whoever knows more, hears more.
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