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La Dori
D: Stefano Vizioli
C: Ottavio Dantone
Obsadenie: Francesca AsciotiRupert EnticknapFederico SacchiFrancesca Lombardi MazzulliEmőke BaráthBradley SmithPietro Di BiancoAlberto AllegrezzaRocco CavalluzziKonstantin Derri
INNSBRUCK/ Festwochen der Alten Musik: „LA DORI“ von Pietro Antonio Cesti

“The Persian regent Artaxerse was performed by the Italian bass Federico Sacchi with a melodious-deep voice and an authoritative posture“ (Den persischen Regenten Artaxerse stattete der italienische Bass Federico Sacchi mit wohlklingend-tiefer Stimme und autoritärem Gehabe aus)

čítaj viac
27 august 2019onlinemerker.comUdo Pacolt
Trouble dans le genre Magnifique résurrection de la Dori de Cesti

“Federico Sacchi has a strong presence, superlative acting skills, a strong and charming voice: in his superb costume he looks like a character straight out of a Rembrandt painting and impresses with authority.” (belle prestance, qualités d’acteur superlatives, timbre d’airain qui à juste titre ensorcelle, son costume superbe l’apparente à un personnage tout droit sorti d’un tableau de Rembrandt, Federico Sacchi impressionnant d’autorité)

čítaj viac
26 august 2019www.classiquenews.comnot to be seen

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