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L'elisir d'amore
D: Tom Hawkes
C: Joshua Kangming Tan
Cast: Elena XanthoudakisTeo Kai XinKee Loi SengJonathan TaySong Kee ChangAlvin TanMartin NgJade Tan
Donizetti's L'elisir d'amore /Singapore Lyric Opera/ Review

Coming close to stealing the whole show was Ng's Dulcamara, whose mountebank manners and outrageous swagger (accompanied by a bevy of blonde nurses no less) made him one of the most pleasant “villains” around.

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22 mei 2017pianofortephilia.blogspot.comChang Tou Liang
D: Andrew Sinclair
C: Somtow Sucharitkul
Cast: Nancy YuenJee Hye HanThomas RuudIsrael LozanoGrace EchauriJo-Pei WengMartin NgAlvin TanSteven AngJack SunJonathan TayCherie Tse
A little uneven musically but thoughtful direction makes Aida worthy gold in Singapore

Local singer Ng was excellent as a courageous Amonasro, sporting a voice burnished with determination and a performance acted with vigour.

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09 juni 2018operachaser.blogspot.comOpera Chaser

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