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Concert In The Basilica
i Filarmonici Friulani (2022)
09 August 2022 (1 performances)
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Concert In The Basilica by Haydn, Mozart, From (2022/2022), Patriarchal Basilica of Aquileia, Aquileia Udine, Italy

Select WorkTrumpet Concerto in E-flat Major, Hob. VIIe/1, Haydn



The program presents two solo pages of great fame and effect, both linked to and inspired by the technical skills of well-defined performers, friends or colleagues of the respective composers. Franz Joseph Haydn 's Concerto for trumpet and orchestra is one of the best known concerts dedicated to the instrument: it was composed in 1796 for the virtuoso Anton Weidinger, creator of some notable technical modifications that had allowed the trumpet to acquire much more versatility and possibilities. Haydn takes full advantage of all the new potential of the instrument, creating a page full of dialogues with the orchestra and virtuosity, in the wake of the great classical tradition. Mozart 's Clarinet Concerto also takes its cue from an instrument, precisely the clarinet, which at the end of the eighteenth century, following some technical innovations, gradually acquired more and more importance in the repertoire. The concert, written by Mozart in 1791, was designed for the virtuoso Anton Stadler, and is a page of extraordinary beauty, as well as one of the first examples of solo use of a relatively "young" instrument: in fact, it had only been used in the orchestra for a few decades when Mozart, inspired by Stadler's skills, decided to dedicate to him the last solo piece he composed, as well as one of his last works ever: in fact, he will die a few weeks after completing the concert. Alongside the two concerts, the symphony n. 31 by Mozart, called "Paris" because it was composed there in 1778. Invited to present a symphony for the Concert Spirituel society , the twenty-two-year-old Mozart reveals himself to be a composer already fully aware of his own abilities: aware that he does not have a style particularly pleasing to the French audience, he inserted particular moments of surprise into the symphony which he knew well would amaze the listeners, and which make the symphony a page of vital youthful freshness.
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