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Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute), Mozart
Opera Integra (2019)
08 - 09 February 2019 (2 performances)
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The Magic Flute by Mozart, From (2019/2019), Directed by Lysanne van Overbeek, Conductor Jack Wong, St John's Church, London, United Kingdom



A lovely church setting and atmospheric lighting offered a glimpse of what was to come in this excellent production. A good use of the space and a herringbone seating pattern allowed the maximum exposure and immersion of the audience into the action which was very well done and allowed good sight lines through most of the performance. The singers were all accomplished and performed their roles ably throughout accompanied orchestrally by what can only be described and an “exquisite” chamber ensemble who provided exactly the correct balance and support through the wide emotional range of the piece without once becoming overly intrusive or distracting. A lovely production, well sung, acted and played – and as an audience member, you can’t ask for more than that! Director Lysanne van Overbeek gave us a dynamic and lively staging which fully utilised the space and all the possible exits and entrances without the audience feeling like they were being disorientated. Sightlines were handled sensibly in line with the seating layout and the acting and singing married beautifully. There had clearly been a lot of work put in by Chorus Master George Ireland in getting this double cast to the necessary high vocal standard. The chamber orchestra played beautifully throughout under the baton of Jack Wong who was very sympathetic to the needs of the singers and balanced the orchestra and vocals perfectly. Special mention should go to the sterling work by Andy Martin on flute whose tone and phrasing were beautiful at all times; it’s difficult to imagine a better sound for this piece Robert Price’s lighting design for the production and the space was excellent. The depth of the performance space was well catered for and didn’t suffer from performers masking the lighting of others. The projections used for the trials by fire and water and other scenes were particularly well done and cleverly filled the central space giving a nice effect of a portal into the mystical. Haze/smoke were well used to create a deeper more solid lighting palette as necessary without becoming obscuring and distracting. A well designed and delivered plot which supported and complemented the action. Simon Jones & Carly Hilts Regional Reps NODA London District 1
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