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Mitridate, re di Ponto, K. 87
D: Julián Ignacio Garcés
C: Ulises Maino
Cast: Santiago Martinez, Constanza Díaz Falú, Florencia Burgardt, Martin Oro, Maria Savastano
National Premiere
Latin American creation of Mitridate in Buenos Aires: 50 shades of gray

The show, received with great enthusiasm, is partly due to the strength of these young singers, all very invested in their role. But it is also the daring staging of Julián Ignacio Garcés that is hailed. The plastic beauty and ingenuity of the scenic design, minimalist and inscribed in a multitude of nuances under skilful play of lights (Verónica Alcoba), from mouse gray to anthracite gray, strike the viewer.

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08 December 2019www.olyrix.comSébastien Vacelet

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