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Sākas 24. Starptautiskais Garīgās mūzikas festivāls

Sākas 24. Starptautiskais Garīgās mūzikas festivāls

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Past performances 2019 — Yesterday

Oratorio / Orchestral

Symphony No. 8 in E-flat Major, ("Symphony of a Thousand") (Symphony 8), Mahler

International Sacred Music Festival
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Oratorio / Orchestral

Worldly Love, Orff

Mikkeli Music Festival


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Oratorio / Orchestral
ConcertFestivalMatinéeProgramme 2 works

8. Philharmonisches Konzert ( 8th Philharmonic Concert), BrahmsStravinsky

Staatsoper Hamburg


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Oratorio / Orchestral

Matthäus Passion, BWV 244 (St. Matthew Passion), Bach, J. S.

International Sacred Music Festival
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Oratorio / Orchestral
FestivalProgramme 2 works

Musica serena, Vasks

A Sea Symphony, Vaughan Williams

International Sacred Music Festival
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Oratorio / Orchestral
FestivalProgramme 3 works
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