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Don Giovanni, Mozart
D: Justin Way
C: Antony Walker
Cast: Michael Todd Simpson, Wayne Tigges, Hao Jiang Tian, Sari Gruber, Sean Panikkar
Review: Setting 'Don Giovanni' in bullring reins in opera's potency

The cast fared with varying degrees of success. Jennifer Holloway as Donna Elvira was the most impressive of the women, singing with fine line, intensity and ample intelligence. Caitlin Lynch was also a strong presence as Donna Anna, though her vibrato sometimes got in the way. Simpson's Don Giovanni was certainly impressive at times, including the aria “Deh vieni alla finestra,” with its mandolin accompaniment well played onstage by Thomas Godfrey. I'd like to hear Simpson in the role in a different context. Wayne Tigges gave a particularly earthy slant in vocal timbre as well as deportment to Leporello, Don Giovanni's servant. His Catalogue Aria – cataloguing Don Giovanni's amorous conquests by country, ending with “but in Spain, 1,003” – concluded with coarse handling of Donna Elvira, to whom it is sung. Sean Panikkar offered impressive sotto voce singing as Don Ottavio. Sari Gruber was variable as Zerlina, at her best performing with Joseph Barron's solid Masetto.

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04 November 2012archive.triblive.comMARK KANNY

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