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Cendrillon, Massenet
D: David Carl Toulson
C: Grzegorz Nowak
Cast: Sarah Saturnino, Michaela Aldridge, Chelsea De Lorenz, Sarah Geocaris, Louisa Waycott, Carolyn Aguirre, Matthew Maisano, Jana McIntyre, Sydnee Waggoner, Samantha Geraci-Yee, Jordan Stadvec, Perri di Christina, Ardeen Pierre, Amélie Hois, Kara Cregin, Emily Ennis, Katterine Villaroel, Brittany Catalano, Elizabeth Zito, Alyssa Hensel, Nicole Steinberg, Nicole Karrs, Hong Kyung Kim, Elizabeth DiFronzo
Cendrillon, buena música para grandes y chicos

La sorpresa de la noche fue Chelsea DeLorenz en el rol titular. Aunque era la suplente de la cantante designada para el estreno, quien se encontraba indispuesta, supo darle a su personaje todo el brillo y la gracia que requiere. Hermosa voz muy bien utilizada. Muy pocas podrían haberlo hecho mejor. Igualmente encomiable el príncipe de Sarah Saturnino. Aplauso especial, para Matthew Maisano como el Padre, el personaje de carácter en la obra, que tuvo un hermoso dúo con DeLorenz. El toque humorístico estuvo muy bien dado por la estupenda Louisa Waycott, como la Madrastra, acompañada hábilmente por Samantha Geraci-Yee y Perri DiChristina, como las hermanastras. Excelentes los coros, y muy bien Edgar Sierra y Andrés Peñalver en sus papeles menores. Aplauso aparte para Jennifer Wu, quien cantó una divertida Quando m'en vo', como inserto durante la fiesta.

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06 August 2015www.elnuevoherald.comDaniel Fernández
Mezzo provides the highlights in Massenet’s “Cendrillon” at MSMF

Sarah Saturnino cut a tall, strikingly handsome figure as the bored, unhappy prince. The clear standout of the cast, she brought a wide range of vocal colors and dynamics to Massenet’s delicate writing. Her noble bearing, elegant phrasing and silvery top register portend future success in the Mozart-Strauss mezzo repertoire. Due to the illness of Maya Gour, the title role was sung by Chelsea DeLorenz. The petite singer made a fragile, vulnerable Cinderella, bringing emotion to her solo flights and capturing the protagonist’s loneliness and despair. After an uneven beginning, perhaps caused by nerves, her moderate-sized voice took wing in the scenes with Saturnino, the duets achieving their proper magic. In this version Cinderella’s father Pandolfe has a large role. Matthew Maisano encompassed the serious and comic elements of the role superbly. Maisano’s dark bass-baritone and commanding stage presence gave the role greater dimension. The tenderness of the scenes with his daughter proved one of the evening’s highlights. And his turn from harried, henpecked husband to finally standing up to his wife and Cinderella’s stepsisters, garnered approving laughter from the audience.

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31 July 2015southfloridaclassicalreview.comLawrence Budmen
L'Enfant et les sortilèges, Ravel
D: Marc CallahanDave Toulson
C: Benjamin Makino
Cast: Sarah Austin, Daniela Sosa, Lily Bogas, Danlei Zhao, Jose Fernandez, Haoije Jiang, Meredith Harron, Emma Giventer-Braff, Brandon Flores, Jonas Rimkunas, Tinghao Zhang, Elena Klein, Catherine Howland, Olivia Grocott, Lydia Ruffin, Yunxuan Zhu, Jose Mendoza, Clare Twohy, Bixiao Wang, Rodney Sharp, Yushin Chow, Marissa Fieland, London Gutierrez
Miami Beach Music Festival serves up an innovative operatic double bill of Ravel and Puccini

Modern technology and opera melded seamlessly when the Miami Beach Classical Music Festival presented an immersive production of Ravel’s L’enfant et les sortileges (as part of a double bill with Puccini’s Gianni Schicchi) Saturday night in the ballroom of Temple Emanu-El in Miami Beach. Festival director Michael Rossi’s mappings engulfed the staging’s backdrop and the walls around the space for a surround immersive experience of cinematic proportions.

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16 July 2023southfloridaclassicalreview.comLawrence Budmen
Das Rheingold (reduction), Wagner
C: Michael Rossi
Cast: Stephanie DePrez, Eugene Richards, Hunter Enoch, William McCullough, Melanie Spector, Lyndsey Swann, Jillian Yemen, Virdell Williams, Joe Chappell, Taryn Holback, Rebecca Sacks, Geoffrey Di Giorgio, Jon Janacek, Scott Wichael
Wagner’s “Rheingold” has a belated Florida debut in immersive Miami Beach performance

Freia the goddess of youth, was elegantly sung by Stephanie DePrez. As Donner, the god of thunder, Hunter Enoch proved a dramatic presence, and William McCullough displayed a clarion voice as Froh.

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17 July 2022southfloridaclassicalreview.comJack M. Firestone

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