Bellini's Norma has long been viewed as a pure divas play. The title role is one of the most demanding in the genre of Italian bel canto. In recent years, however, the music-theatrical status of the work has become more apparent. It's about urgent questions: How to deal with the contradictions between public functions and private happiness? To what extent does the responsibility for one's own children determine life? What role does religion play in a society? What can the friendship of two women who love the same man do? These themes are reflected in the story of the Gallic seer Norma, who formed a connection with the proconsul Pollione, who, as the leader of the Roman occupying forces, is the worst enemy of her people. When he betrays her love, she goes through a roller coaster ride of emotions, which culminates in heroic self-sacrifice as an expression of the recognition of their own guilt. For this, Bellini finds a tonal language that focuses on the singing - and it is not only »beautiful«, but rather directly touching in its truthfulness.