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Po burzy
International Festival Wratislavia Cantans (2020)
12 September 2020 (1 performances)
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Po burzy by Various, Sat 12 Sep 2020, From (2020/2020), Conductor Giovanni Antonini, NFM (Narodowe Forum Muzyki), Wrocław, Poland



Po burzy
Oratorio / Orchestral
The concert by Giovanni Antonini, Julia Lezhneva and the band Il Giardino Armonico will be a meeting with outstanding composers of the Baroque era - Georg Friedrich Händel, Geminian Giacomelli, Carl Heinrich Graun, Matthew Lock and, last but not least, Antoni Vivaldi. The program will be interesting and varied, and the selection of works will allow you to look at the achievements of these artists from many perspectives. Locke was the leading English composer of stage music who lived before Henry Purcell. One of his best-known works is the stage music for the play The Tempest , staged in April 1674, loosely adapted from William Shakespeare's work by the poet Thomas Shadwell . In it, Locke used - as the first in the UK - tremolo articulation in the part of string instruments. It consists in rapid repetition of sounds, which is designed to increase tension. The program of the concert included four parts from the music for this play: Introduction , Canon 4 in 2 , Lilk and Curtain Tune . Today, we remember Vivaldi mainly as the creator of instrumental concertos, but this extremely prolific artist also wrote numerous and very successful operas. The program will include two arias from the Red Priest's works – the daring Agitata da due venti from the Decameron opera Griselda and the lyrical Zeffiretti che sussurrate from the opera Ercole su'l Termodonte ( Hercules in Termodonte ). In the eighteenth century, the concept of copyright did not yet exist, and composers freely used more or less altered arias from the operas of their colleagues in their works. Vivaldi did the same, and the aria Sposa son disprezzatafrom his opera Bajazet (another variant of the title is Il Tamerlano ) is actually a slightly altered aria from Giacomelli 's opera La Merope . These types of operas were referred to as "pasticcio", which literally means... pate. The German composer and tenor Graun was one of the most respected authors of Italian-style operas in his time. His excellent, though little-known work today will be recalled by the dramatic aria No, no di Libia fra le arene from the opera Silla from 1753. Handel, on the other hand, is currently one of the most recognizable composers of the Baroque period, famous both for his instrumental and vocal-instrumental works. Two of his arias will be heard during the concert – the violent Un pensiero nemico di pace from the oratorio Il trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno ( The Triumph of Time and Disappointment ) and the no less attractive Brilla nell'alma from Alessandro 's opera. The concerto grosso in G minor , Op. 6 No. 6.
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