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Le nozze di Figaro
D: Rebecca Moret
C: Joanna Drimatis
Cast: Elizabeth Cooper, Mikayla Tate, Tristan Entwistle, Timothy Nunn, Esther Counsel, Samanta Lestavel, Jeremy Boulton, Matthew Gaskin, Cassandra Doyle, Janine Harris, Laura Scandizzo, Andrew Pennycuick, Daniel Verschuer, Tharushi Mitiyamulle, Sarah Cherlin, Martin Everett, Kate Wilmot, Ella Orehek-Coddington
The Marriage of Figaro (The Cooperative)

As the Count, Jeremy Boulton boasts a warm baritone voice and he gave a masterful rendition of Hai gia vinta la causa … Vedro mentr’io sospiro in Act 3, pontificating from the pulpit like Julius Caesar in Orson Welles’s famed 1937 production. Boulton boasts an excellent stage presence,

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29 April 2022limelight-arts.com.auJansson J. Antmann

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