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Repertoire displayed below is an artists performed repertoire. How can an Artist / Artist manager update repertoire?

The "Repertoire" on the Artist profile is auto-populated with musical works and roles from both performed and future productions. The artist can add performances, mark repertoire entries as active or retired, and hide certain entries.

What is Future repertoire? How can an Artist / Artist manager add Future repertoire?

Future repertoire provides reference to casting professionals and artistic administrators on your desired future roles. You can add up to 5 roles in Future repertoire that you would like to perform which you have either prepared or still unprepared.
Composer & Musical workRole
West Side Story
De Burgh, Martin, D.
Robin Hood
Into the Woods
Baker's wife
Bonnie und Clyde
Die junge BonnieEnsemble
Ganz oder gar nicht
Nathan Lukowski

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