Mese Mariano, Giordano
Suor Angelica (Sister Angelica), Puccini
Royal Opera of WalloniaDon Fabiano, il rettore
View programme, cast and crewUrsule et Hirsute, Polis
Royal Opera of WalloniaMonsieur Coupenette (M. Coupenette) + 1 roles
View cast and crewLa Fille du régiment (The Daughter of the Regiment), Donizetti
Royal Opera of WalloniaHortensius + 1 roles
View cast and crewLa Fille du régiment (The Daughter of the Regiment), Donizetti
Royal Opera of WalloniaHortensius + 1 roles
View cast and crewDon Carlos (French version), Verdi
Royal Opera of WalloniaUn héraut royal (Royal Herald)
View cast and crewMadama Butterfly (Madame Butterfly), Puccini
Royal Opera of WalloniaIl Commissario imperiale (The imperial commissioner) + 1 roles
View cast and crewMadama Butterfly | Puccini | Terzetto : Io so che alle sue pene (2019)
Cenerentola - Patrick Delcour
Si j'étais roi - Patrick Delcour